Congratulations on a really smart decision.

You are just moments away from starting to unstack the deck and re-stack it in your favor.

When you click on the link below you will be taken to a private site where you can determine the exact USANA products recommended specifically for you.

And the end of the Assessment you can place your first order. As a Preferred Customer you will automatically receive a 10% discount on the retail price of every product you order - ALWAYS!

Once you place your first order we will send you an e-mail with your Preferred Customer (or PC) number and password as well as your own private link directly to your own site at USANA. In the future you can order directly from your USANA site.

With your Preferred Customer number the entire USANA product line will be available to you. (Don’t forget to request a USANA catalog - you can do so here: Request Catalog.


Click on the link below to take the Personalized Health Assessment
and place your first order!


Health Assessment/First Order